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Box Boy Bobby (BBB) was in an unusually good mood on this day. What made it unusual was Box Boy Bobby was in route to his job. He held the lofty status of being a box boy at the local grocery store. Box Boy Bobby detested his work, but today he wa
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It was another great night. After five hours of frolicking in the foam it was time to scurry back to their room before the bubble burst. It had seemed magical as they danced in the moonlight and waded in the surf. All of it felt too good to be tru
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What a wonderful night this has been. Dancing, drinking, dining, and drinking all night. Now it was time to return to their room while they could still remember which one they were in. As they entered the elevator they noticed how beautiful the el
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Outhouse Fable

The night sky was filled with brilliant stars, but even their beauty could not match the magnificence of the full moon. This must be what they meant by the harvest moon. It had been a wonderful vacation so far. The cabin was just as she had rememb
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