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British Lit

British Lit

Well to start off I was a junior and we were starting a new semester and I realized that I had one of the hottest teacher in the school not that I had been checking her out or any thing, but I really didn’t like the class any
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college rocks!

my roomate mariah and i (eliza) are very commited to our education in nuring you might say the human body is our specialty!!

we met on the first day of our second year over the summer the college we go to changes the rooms we are in so we metw
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Spring break Ch2

"I cant believe I have to rent a car for this weekend"complained Kim as her and Jeff drove out of the parkinglot."How do you just forget about someone?I mean I know I was out there for 2 houres but still."

Thanh you old man,thank you.Thought
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