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Dicking Around

Back after I started college I started to change gradually. I dated several girls in high school but none of them really made me want more than a one-night stand. Then during English Lit late in the fall my freshman year a few of the girls and guys
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Hot passions and a new lover

It all started when my best friend and I got in a huge fight. We were really close; we did everything together, and as the nature of this story may suggest, we never had sex with each other before this day. But we could have, she was really hot. Anyw
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You Know Who You Are

When I first met you I knew there was deep sexual magnetism between us. I could not stop looking at you, I looked at the masculine beauty of your face, your facial hair, the broadness of your features. I studied your hands, so big and rough looking.
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Yesterday and Far Away

It was the year 1805, it was a time when men were real men and women were real women.The roles were clearly defined, men were tough, dominant and strong, women were sensitive, chaste and demure and no one saw anything wrong with that.
It was also
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The Older Woman and Me

Marisa was 69 years old when I went for visit. It had been 15 years since I last saw her, when our family visited then I was 13. She was my great aunt and that she was. She was a retired widow schoolteacher then, my great uncle was killed in battl
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