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Rock Star

You're my ex-boyfriend and you are in a band and your playing at a party I come to with my new boyfriend you see me and him walk I and start talking to people you can't stop looking at me as you sing and play guitar...I look around hearing your v
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In the Garden…

*This is my first story, so guys if you like, feel free to leave me some comments! Thanks a lot and hope you enjoy!*

I could feel the sun beat down on me, causing little beads of perspiration to dot my skin as I continued to work in my gar
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Her lips touched mine, warm and full, I've thought about this too many times but never really imagined that my hands would be running through her soft blond hair like this, and hers in mine with such increasing urgency. Her kisses deep and probing,
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coming together

As I lay in my bed I think to myself "I wonder what it would be like to have sex with him?" Then after a few moments of my imagination getting away with me slowly I drift into a deep sleep full of images of him and myself coming together for the firs
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a night to remember

Paul sat at the bar, pissed off from a usually shitty week
at work. The bastards never appreciated all of the time
and effort that he put forth for them, he was expected to
act like a cyborg, accept orders and efficiently carry
them out,
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