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It was always the same in every little town and hamlet that the carnival stopped in. Walt would try and hook up with some of the local talent for the four or five days they were in town. To a homey, the life of a carny roustabout seemed like a glamor
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Cherry Popping

Jeanine the virgin, looked up at Robert with apprehensive eyes. He smiled down at her with a barely concealed contempt that made her both revolt against him... and desire him. He told her, without ceremony, to lie face down on the bed, with a pillow
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Every morning Carl would have breakfast, then sit and read the morning paper while he sipped his coffee. He would then pat Heather on the behind and leave for work. All this was fine, except Heather decided enough was enough. She was tired of being o
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College Tour

One of the activities I enjoyed in college was being in clubs. I was in one club that helped recruit new students. Our jobs were to give tours, explain about the school and if a person was spending the night or the weekend I was to provide a place to
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