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Sara's Prison ( Pt 2 )

Sara's first week in prison had been very hard for her, she had been raped by a nitestick in her ass, she had been fucked by her "friend" tara..who loved to make sara take massive buttplugs for hours at a time. sara wanted it all to stop.
The next
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Bi-Sexual Plesure

One day i was with my girlfriend, Shelby. she asked me if i was bi sexual, i said no, but that i was courious to try something like that. she called her best friend, Marian (boy). we all agreed to have sex the next day at her house. well as you can i
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Sara becomes a prison bitch (Pt 1)

Sara was scared, she had been arrested for murder. she got to the was loud, damp, cold, and quite scary. a prison guard named monica was taking her to the doctor so that she could preform the rectal exam, looking for weed, and cocaine, and
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I got owned by a collage chick

i went on a collage visit when i was in high school to UCLA. while i was there i met a beautiful girl named Taylor. i went to her appartment thinking i was going to get lucky. I was so wrong. I sat and had a Coke and relaxed. i saw that i wasn't goi
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