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Pirates 5

The HMS Repulse loomed over the longboat and it only grew larger as the boat got nearer.

Having lived at sea for as long as she had, Wilma could have easily scrambled up a rope had one been tossed down to her but instead out of courtesy for La
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The Exam

It had been a few years since I had been to a doctor for my yearly exam. I hated to have them so bad that I kept putting it off. Besides, my normal doctor had moved away and the only one near our town was the new woman who had taken his place.
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be here at 7 (part2)

I stood there in the middle of the room for what seemed like hours. A voice told me to get down on my knees and put my hands behind my back. I replied a quick ok. SLAP a hand hit my bum. Ouch what was that for I asked? SLAP again I was smacked across
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women power

Well, better get on home and see what that wimp is up to this time. It was a most unwifelike thought and Jessica knew this, but that wasn't enough to keep her from thinking it. She and Robby had been married for exactly seventeen months, and in a way
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As I sat on the coach finishing my lines I hoped they were neat enough, the movement of the coach had made it hard, especially since my handwriting wasn't the best, and I knew there would be a price to pay if they were unsatisfactory.
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