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A Silent Session

Terry could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she turned into the parking lot. She was so scared that she had to force herself to take deeper breaths. Pulling into his assigned spot the front tires hit the curb hard enough to jerk her f
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You Auto Get Fucked

"Get your slutty bare ass into my car!" Jimmy told BethAnn.

"You stay there, you whore! Don't you dare put that blanket over you. You wanna be the town sleaze, guess what I'm bringing you down to Peterson's Auto Body so Old Man Peterson gets a
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An Interesting Night

The night is clammy....I'm finding it extremely difficult to get comfortable. All of the windows are open but there isn't even the hint of a breeze. Perspiration is trickling down both sides of my face like two small rivulets, merging at my throat
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