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It happened late one night

Margie was late again! This made the third time this week that she was late for her home economics class and to make things worse...she had been late for her other classes as well!! Her teachers had warned her that if she didn't straighten up and s
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It was a crisp August morning incredibly unusual for our little city in Texas. I was on my way to school. Of course my mom was in the driver's seat of our 98' Malibu. God I wanted a car so bad. I also wanted a boyfriend. Humping my pillow whi
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Mr. Smith my new master!

It was my Freshman year of high school. New to the staff and faculty, but one faculty member I grew fond of was my Alegabra teacher Mr. Smith. He was about the age of twenty-six was about 5'11" blonde hair, blue eyes built, and was the head coach of
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The Next Morning

"The Next Morning" Jean stretched as she felt the sun shining into her face and heard the birds singing out the window. "One of the best dreams of Greg yet!" Jean whispered. "What was that dear?" Greg kissed her lips. "Good morning
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The Morning

Jean stretched as she felt the sun shining into her face and heard the birds singing out the window. "One of the best dreams of Greg yet!" Jean whispered. "What was that dear?" Greg kissed her lips. "Good morning babe." Jean's eyes
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