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My Friend Irma

One of the perks one gets as a result of writing erotic stories is the feedback, some of which is quite interesting. One such feedback message to one of my stories led to a fantastic adventure, one that I'm itching to tell while it's still fresh in
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A Rainy Night

It was raining outside and I was enjoying the drops on my face from my window. The plush green lawn was looking so beautiful and the smell of rain on soil mixed with fragrance of flowers was driving me crazy. I love rain and want to be with my loved
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Love to Pee

Our trip to NY was wonderful but six long hours in the car was starting to get to my bladder. This is a true story and I hope you get wet reading it... As I began to feel the pressure I knew that we had to stop soon. I have always loved to push m
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The Professionals

I have had many, many watersports experiences with many prostitutes over the past five or six years. Most professionals will accommodate this urge, but of course it is best if you notify them an hour or so beforehand, so they can prepare by drink
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Quyngo PT 2

I'm not really sure what happened next-It happened so fast but it involved Quy punching Mike square in the chest driving him backwards! He absorbed the blow but was half smileing/half grimacing in pain while the rest of the guys were laughing at him
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I was laughing hysterically at the certain anecdote or "Rant" with which my friend regailed me. He had cited a recent example of how (in his mind),women were creatures of pure random whim and were therefore,-the soul embodiment of all that is illogic
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The Neighbor

This story began on a hot summer evening when I was about 9 or 10. My friend and I raised rabbits and would often be seen entering each other's backyard unescorted. This particular evening my friend and his sexy mom had left the house to go shopping
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